This activity implying non-formal activities for children/youth with ASD, having the purpose for them to obtain/maintain their social abilities, to improve their spatial orientation in order for them to have, as much as possible, a transition to a more “independent” life.
Example of activities: sport activities (indoor/outdoor) to develop their motricity (throwing - catching the ball; adapted gymnastic exercises; childhood games); creative workshops designed to develop their competences in the day-to-day life; socialising activities, spending the free time in the community (visiting the museums, going in the park, giving the order in a restaurant) and autonomy activities (cooking, cleaning...).
Workshop: Welcome collage
We made handprints with the ASD people in the center, using paint, pencils and paper. First we draw our hands together on a big piece of paper, than we painted on our hands and made handprints
Cooking: "star"t cookies
We made cookies with the ASD people in the center, using flour, butter, sugar and some shapes. The final result: simple cookies with vanilla powder, delicious!
Workshop: Christmas preparation
The Christmas day is near so we made angels of paper and Christmas tree preparation.
Cooking: Pancake morning
We spend a great morning cooking american pancakes with the participants.
Ancaar Christmas day
Christmas day was magic!
We did some performances (sing, dance, read poems…), we gave presents to the participants and we helped with the organization.
And sure, we had a special visit: Mos craciun. So people received presents and also we did.
Crafts Day
we continue our spaghetti necklace and made some shapes and glue it in papers
Animals Day
we made animals by using cotton colors ,balloons and papers
Sports day
we played basket ball with people from ancaar and did some movement
First step for colorful bakeries
we start to make colorful bakeries by using flour, salts ,water
second step for colorful bakeries
we continue to make colorful bakeries by using flour, salts ,water , paints
Painting workshop
we paint some drawing paper
colorful day
we continue painting martisor staff , and start make shapes by colorful clay
Bread and Martisor Day
we continue create martisor by using red and white thread , and bake bread by using flour ,salt, oil
Sport Activity
we helped them to move in specific area and move in different ways
Martisor Day
we made martisor post card by using threads white and red ,some colorful paper
Animal Faces activity
we made animal faces by using plastic plates, colors ,eyes and cotton
sheep day
we made sheep by using plastic cups, cotton , glow and eyes
Stencils Day
we draw some shapes by using colors and stencils
Pizza Day
we made pizza by using flour ,water , tomato , cheese
Clay Day
we made some shapes by using clay
Mask Day
we made face mask by using colored paper, glitter , thread and some glue
Craft Day
we continued painting our clay shapes, and start to create Chicks by using cotton and carton
Chicks day
we made chicks by using cotton ,colors ,glow , cartoon
insects day
we made some insects by using colored paper , cartoon, threads and colors
sport day
we played some sport activities with ancaar craiova
Autism Awareness Day
we prepared a flash mob and face painting ,flyers ,posters to aware Romanian community about ASD
Walking Day
we went to the park to enjoy the weather with ancaar kids
Seasons Day
we made big image for the seasons of the year by using different kind of materials
Cup cake day
we made cup cake by using flour ,butter, sugar and vanilla
Painting day
we painted some papers by using colors, shaped sponges , papers
pan cake day
we prepared pan cake by using flour. sugar , vanilla , oil . jam
first step papier-mache
we start making papier-mache by using ballons , news paper , glue
second step papier-mache
we continue making papier-mache by using ballons , news paper , glue
third and fourth step papier-mache
we continue making papier-mache by using ballons , news paper , glue,colors
walking day
we walked together from the center till romaniscu park
salt dough
we made some shapes by using salt dough and we bake it
sunny day
we walked the some people from ancaar craiova and explored the animals thereb
salt dough second step
we continued painting the shapes that ew made by salt dough
salt dough last step
we continued painting the shapes that ew made by salt dough
Childhood cross-country
we joined ancaar craiova with children marathon to support autism people
Friends day
we went with ancaar craiova to the park and spent time together
outdoor activity
we went with ancaar craiova to the park and spent time together
bakeries day
we helped them to made some bakeries included cheese
pancake and dance day
we made pancake and danced traditional Jordanian dabka
kitchen and sport day
we played some sports activities and made some bakeries in the kitchen
we made cupcake in different shapes
First step to create volcano
we start making volcano by using paper , bottle and glow
second step to create volcano
we continue making volcano by using toilet paper
Horses day
we went to the park and helped the kids to ride the horses
Last step to create volvano
we complete the volcano by color it
Unlock the world final event
we presented our team work during last nine months
Horses day
we went to the park and helped the kids to ride the horses