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Sensations of a woman into Romanian culture

During my first six weeks in Romania I lived different situations and experiences. I can say that in general I like what I saw, but I found some peculiar experiences that I want to share.

Before coming here, I deleted all my opinions (prejudices) about Romania´s culture to start from zero exploring the society. What was my surprise? I lived and noticed about different cases of violence against women. Again, I felt responsible to influence/make a change in those situations. I don´t know about the numbers of the violence against women in Romania and neither I want to know, because it won´t be a real number, since unfortunately, most of the violence is invisible for the eyes of the people, and that way there is not culture of denunciation.

25 of December was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and I didn´t see any activity, manifestation… and for me it was really strange. Fortunately I found one non-governmental organization in Bucharest that is working on this field, so I will have the opportunity to know more about this reality and participate in the movement.

In those days I also had the opportunity to get involved on the sport culture of Romania. And again, one new surprise, this time a good one. Since I arrived to Craiova I tried to find a place where I can work my body and my mind, that means, taking care of oneself. I found such a nice place where most of us are women. The woman has always been excluded from the sports field, and if she practiced it, she was invisible. But what is happening in Romania? Here my surprise. One day I saw some advertise on the bus about female handball championship and I decided to go. Once there, I was impacted by the amount of people that were there supporting female sport, and in this case was not football, so even better. So I spent a really nice and happy afternoon because finally I saw empowerment of women. The same happen in the organization where I´m working on my project. Almost all the people are women, strong women, except two men, and curiously one of them handles the money… it´s a coincidence? Nevertheless, I feel that step by step, maybe we are breaking the glass ceiling. Therefore, I will keep my eyes wide open to perceive the social reality that surrounds me.

I want to say that we need to go to the places to know more about the people that live there in order to talk before know about them. Romania is a city of contrasts where I realized about the difficult of the changes are. The reality can´t be changed from one day to the next.

Finally, I can say that I´m lucky of having such a great group of people around me working with the aim of “Unlock the world” from different perspectives, experiences, abilities, countries and cultures. The diversity is the richest thing we have.

Cluj Napoca trip

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