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Wind of changes

In the dictionary definition of the world “change” is – make different in some particular, but if you read the sentence until the end you will find the next worlds: “some things never change.” So, what does change mean? What is impossible in our live and what can we change once and forever?

The most significant and valuable thing that my grandfather left for me is love and a constant passion to learn more. I was a kid when realized that I need to learn all the time, but new experiences have no limit. You should walk, sometimes close the book and find a new city, a new mountain or lake. I practiced Georgian education, culture and society. Realizing its efficient and successful sides but I also understand that it is not enough. So, I decided to experience Romanian one too.

My project in Romania presents a big opportunity for me. It gives me chance to work with new people, change environment, solve problems and finally, grow up as a person. I've read somewhere, that every human must ask himself this question: Is what I am doing (or not doing) helping me get where I want to be? This applies to what you eat, whether or not you exercise, and what you spend the bulk of your day doing. If the answer is no, then make the necessary change.

Romania was a country for me that helped me radically change my life. Every single day I try to do something I have never done before. I opened my heart and reduced the borders of my comfort zone. When I left my homeland and got on the plane, I made a sketch in my diary, which will be my mascot all my life.

In the distant past, my friend gave me one very wise advice about life, which I remembered only now and I think I can use it:

“You never know when you'll discover something or somebody who will end up making a life-changing impact on you, so, keep moving Mariam.

-What do you do when you wake up?

- I go to the bathroom.

- Tomorrow try first to dance at the favorite song and then go to the bathroom. Firs smile yourself in the mirror and then brush your teeth. After some days you discover that your days started changing and you are no longer the same person.”

Participate in the project “Unlock the world” I open the new door of my life. No matter how much money you make or how great your accomplishments are, you will not be able to enjoy your success if you don't want to share it with other people. So, after coming to Georgia I will be much more self-confident and enthusiastic because I will be able to share all the emotions, knowledge and experience brought from Romania with everyone, especially children who lives is small villages and have not the enough opportunities to learn and solve some problems.

The most important thing, what I realize been in Romania is appreciating every minute of life. Live in the present moment. The best way you feel happier about your life is to stop dwelling on the past and stop worrying about the future. One day you must just stop and wait to the wind of changes.

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