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To be loved by autistic child

I want to tell you one story about my life, but I am not the main character in it. This story is about love, which contains everything and can be explained with many different ways.

For me acceptance Is the True Love. One day I read somewhere, that Life is not perfect and so is every type of relationship, but how smartly you adopt to each other’s imperfection is where the true magic lies, I agree, because of acceptance Is the Way to Live. It does not matter how small or big are your perfections or imperfections, in the bottom of the heart, we all know what we need. I can give you sign, that it is not money, a successful career, valuable things or multiple type of people around. All our needs are based on acceptance, how we can be successful, if our colleagues will not accept us, if we will not improve our self-esteem with the help of idea, we are good, enough good to be accepted. It all comes down to the perception you have about other people, the moment you start judging and make conclusions you end up messing your life.

No one can ever see so clear example of acceptance and love, as the person, who had luxury to have relationship with autistic children.

My story started many many times ago, even before I arrived in Romania, but I want to start this story from September, from my first feelings, when I saw Bobo, tall and lovely boy with green t-shirt and with lady bag on it.

When you meet autistic person, you may be shocked, confused, scared, and unsure of how to help them; there's a lot of stigma surrounding autism. However, autism is not a "life-ruiner"; it's more of a game-changer than anything. Autistic children, like any other type of child, are capable of loving you. Regardless of whether their love for you is visible, you'll need to give them the same love and support that you would give to a non-autistic child in order to be loved from them also.

I can remember all days when I and my colleagues tried so hard to be loved and accepted form Bobo. It was difficult, I am not going to lie but every person who had some experience with autism knows, if you are patient, you have diamond in your hand.

During our project we organized many activities, games, cooking and walking sessions for Bobo and another children. Soon we felt how huge iceberg started melting between us. It is natural process it is how real love starts. Bobo start to trust us, he starts to wait me before close the door, he starts laughing with me and on more very important thing: - we start to listen to each other, and then I felt I was loved.

If you truly love someone, don’t expect her to behave like you or to do something the way you want. Then only you will relish the fruit of being in a relationship. True love is to accept, love and support unconditionally.

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